This evening when I got home from work, I looked at the top of the refrigerator and decided it needed some fall decor. So, thought I'd rearrange what was already there and add a little fall to it. Then I discovered how dusty it was, so another project got started! I pulled out my step stool and proceeded to dust with a Swiffer duster. Apparently, the decided to stick to the top of the fridge, so I was just swirling it around pretty much. Being that the wonderful appliance (I really do love it) is about six feet tall, I couldn't reach the top without using the step stool in the first place, but then I couldn't wipe it, because it was too hard to reach the back. So, I used my Swiffer mop and cleaned the top of it! LOL It's clean, so I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! Anyway, here's the finished result:
I even had Hubby pull it out, so I could put up my "Bon Appetit" sign! Since it is a surface for decorating, I decided to join in Marty's 85th Table Top Tuesday over at
. Go check her out. She always has the lovliest tablescapes!
Be Blessed!