Elder Leon Charles Smith (February 25, 1925 - February 17, 1992)
I couldn't let the day end without saying "Happy Birthday" to the greatest man in my life! He would've been 85 years old today, which is hard to imagine. He went home with the Lord when he was only 66, so imagining him old is hard to do. I thank God for him and the years I was blessed to share with him. He was a quiet man, with a quick wit and sense of humor that surprised most people. He was a great man of God, a dedicated pastor and an awesome preacher. He was my shopping buddy and mutual car enthusiast. We went to many car shows together and brought home brochures galore of cars we would never get! lol Many times we would go to the mall together (quick trip, 'cuz he knew what he wanted before we went) and I would end up getting something that "I couldn't live without!" I was an only child and his little girl, so I was spoiled rotten. He used to make me laugh uncontrollably, but all you would see was the simple, cool smile on his face. I loved to hear him say "wow" when he thought something was interesting. Especially when we would "people watch" at church conventions. He was a professional photographer and I was one of his favorite subjects! I also enjoyed the many times he would go take pictures and I tagged along. He was a sharp dresser and the coolest man I knew! He was just amazing! I will love him forever and look forward to seeing him (and Momma) again one day!

Daddy & me (1966)
I love you Daddy and miss you more than you could ever imagine!!!