My life has been so hectic lately, it's been really hard to slow down to even enjoy looking at a computer! Trying to be supermom, superwife and superemployee is not working well at all. I. AM. TIRED. There never seems to be enough time in the day, or enough hands to handle everything. I have yet to figure out how to handle the behavioral outbursts/verbal attacks/undermining and manipulations of a behavior-challenged child, while trying to pacify the other five siblings (two who are highly annoyed with said child) and husband, who travels frequently and needs attention too when he's home. This isn't exactly the life I imagined when we signed up for foster care & adoption classes. The best thing I've figured so far, is to PRAY.
Now school is about to start (whoo hoo!), so I'm pushing all the drama aside to buy school clothes, school supplies and pick up schedules, meet teachers and so forth. Perfect wife, mother, employee, and blogger, I am not. A woman who loves God, her family and friends, I am. While there may be gaps in my blogging, know that I'm here trying to keep afloat in the sea of life, and being uplifted by my blogging friends posts during the few minutes of computer time that I may get each day!
Love you guys! Be Blessed!